Treasures of the Heart
This Pandemic has changed many people. One day you realise that there are some people you will no longer see again. At least not in the same way. Meanwhile, we make sure that this situation changes us for the better (not bitter) and that lessons from the crisis are not wasted.
One day, all of us will get separated from each other. Those laughters and struggles we shared in the past. Our ambition and the dream we once spoke about. Days, months and years later, the contact becomes rare. We might even forget each other.
The occasional social media memories remind us of these people. And perhaps our grandchildren will ask, “Lolo, who are these people?” And I will smile and tell them, “These are the wonderful people whom I had my best time with amidst the struggle.”
Find time to reconnect with your family and friends. When we leave a place, we don’t leave the people. We keep them close to our hearts.
“Treasures of the heart” are the greatest possible gift we can give to our children on Christmas. Some parents may wish to guarantee their children’s happiness by giving them lots of gifts or material wealth. Yet, no matter how wealthy they are, without good health and physical strength, children cannot lead truly happy lives. And above all, I believe that it is the “treasures of the heart” – inner qualities such as spiritual strength, character and humanity – that will ensure the true happiness of a child.
True success in life has nothing to do with money, status, fame, numbers, or material things. It also has nothing to do with what society thinks, what your parents say, or what your friends advise. For me, if you love what you do and do what you love, then you are a success (as long as you are not harming anyone and you are not doing anything illegal, unethical, and/or immoral). The world does not need more lifeless zombies who work only to buy expensive stuff to impress others. No, the world needs inspired souls who work with passion and purpose to help others. The only success in life that matters is the one that truly ignites your soul and brings peace to your heart. Everything else is just noise.