Realities and Possibilities
Article By: Iyo_Embong
“Life is often about facing reality without disregarding divine possibilities.”
For all of us life is not always as you would like it to be. Life occasionally might well include problems, hard, or even hurtful circumstances. There are times when what you need is more than you have. Everyday life is not a movie, where if you “wish upon a star” all your dreams come true. Life is often about facing reality without disregarding divine possibilities.
Whatever your current reality, God is the source of every possibility. There is a God who makes even impossibilities possible. When you don’t understand what’s happening or why? God does. When your dream seems more like a nightmare, there is a God in Heaven who can help you make sense of it! That single, eternal truth changes everything about your life, situations, and tomorrows.
The story is told about two old friends, a Jewish rabbi and a Catholic priest, who were having dinner together. “This baked ham is delicious! I know it is against your religion, but you are missing a lot!” said the priest, teasing his friend. The rabbi looked at the priest with a big grin, and said: “OK. I will eat pork, on the day you get married!”
Yes, we have our realities, but we also must be open and prepare to our possibilities. Oftentimes, we are weighed down by fright and anxiety. Fear is useless. Despair is not beneficial. As we face a future that is fragile and uncertain, we must hang on, and be anchored on trust and hope. Otherwise, we will be tossed and thrown by waves of fear and despair.
At any moment in our lives, we can choose to change. While there are many realities we can no longer change, the good news is that we can change our perceptions, our attitudes, our values, our mindsets and our very hearts. And the good news is that such change is available and doable, and it can start now.
In most countries we will find that nothing much has changed. The same problems, the same people, the same situation, the same conflicts and irritants. The good news is that some have changed for the better. I have seen many conversions. Change for the better starts when a person accepts his/her reality in honesty, and asks for help in humility. When honesty and humility finally set in, the prisoner is freed, darkness is removed, and a new life begins. If we can go back to our realities as better persons – i.e., a little bit more loving, more understanding, more humble, more patient, more joyful, and more hopeful. It’s time for us to rid ourselves of denial, dishonesty, arrogance and pride.
Let us be inspired with courage and faith. Let us look into our own personal, relational, emotional, and spiritual disabilities and handicaps. Instead of focusing on power, pride, and the pleasures of this world, let’s point to quality time in this world. Life is short. Death is certain. Let us not be overwhelmed by our realities. Let us transcend them, and go for better possibilities. I have come to understand this that any journey, our journey includes both realities and possibilities.
Article By: Iyo_Embong