Light The Road With True Friends
Live is never about proving to people that you are a good person. Sometimes, the bad things matter… for in your dark side, you see people who are ready to light the road with you.
Prescription For… The Heavyhearted
Sometimes we suffer the symptoms of diseases we don’t have. And sometimes we suffer the symptoms of unhappiness for insufficient reasons. Often unhappiness comes from overemphasizing the negative side of situations. This is easy to do, since time seems to move more swiftly when we are happy and more slowly when we are heavyhearted. And so we might suppose that we are unhappy more than we are.
On Belonging to a Family
One of the very wonderful things of life is a sense of belonging. And one of the most wonderful things to belong to is a loyal and affectionate family – a family who have each their own individual activities and interests but who feel a real oneness with one another. There is much that a family can do with oneness, and much that without it is missed. There are so many things to join, so many things to do, so many things to take us away, but a loving and loyal family is still one of the most wonderful things in the world to belong to.
Allow them to walk their own path…
I’m sure there are people in your life whom you see acting in ways that upsets you. Watching our loved ones, family or a good friend traverse a path littered with stumbling blocks can be immensely painful. We instinctively want to guide them toward a safer track and share with them the knowledge and wisdom we have acquired through experience. Yet all human beings have the right to carve their own paths without being unduly influenced by outside interference.
Practice what you Preach
There’s an old saying that goes…’we should practice what we preach’. It seems very profound, subtle and simple. But I wonder why for some reasons or another not all of us seem to know what it means. Or…(maybe) doesn’t want to know.
Here I am – this is me…
“Openly revealing our feelings establishes credibility”. Gerry Spence. I learned a long time ago that I try to use in my daily life. To resolve conflict creatively we need not only to speak the truth in love, but also to listen with our heart. We need to be honest and share our true feelings – not just our surface feelings.
I, I who have nothing…
These are all false standards and false dichotomies, but they are so common and so ingrained that we sometimes believe in them without even realizing it. And this leads to a mountain of insecurities, because nobody measures up to these crazy standards (and nobody should).
It Isn’t Fair to Expect Perfection…
We live in a world of imperfection, and certainly there are no perfect people. And one of the surest ways to break up a home, to break up a marriage, to break up a friendship, a business, or any relationship in life, is tooveremphasize faultfinding.
Saying… “I’m Sorry”
We sometimes assume that we have fully repented and made amends when we have said we are ‘sorry‘. But there is a side to being sorry that is more serious than mere polite apology. And there are circumstances in which much more than ‘casual regret’ is called for.
The Meaning Of Love
For a long long time, I often wonder if people fully understand the ‘TRUE’ meaning of ‘LOVE’ not only in the secular world but sadly also in Christian community. After our fellowship last night it confirmed to me that not many do. It is sad especially when it is from the people who ‘POSED’ to be a servant of God.
How Do You Communicate Love?
Last Tuesday I was privileged of being able to attend the bible study at sister Gina and brother Albert’s place. I truly enjoyed it and have learnt a lot from it by just listening to other people’s view on whatever subjects we are discussing. One topic that we were sharing is the area of LOVE. Allow me to take my view that day further in the hope that we can come into a much deeper understanding of what I was trying to explain.
Pain Is Part Of Life…
“Pain and death are part of life. To reject them is to reject life itself.” – Havelock Ellis It’s very easy after suffering an incident that caused pain, to just give up and say we won’t ever go there again. Maybe it’s a relationship issue and we just want to crawl into an imaginary shell and hide from the world and the thought of any future romance in our lives.
My Friend Harry
I have met Harry when I first arrived in Australia almost 19 years ago. During that time I was living on my own and he use to clean the glass at this place where I worked. He had long wild grey hair and long grey beared, always wore a flannelette or dirty white shirt and brown pants with holes in it and he always carry a few white shopping bags with him – full of his belongings. All these years that I knew him I never once saw Harry wear a pair of shoes. Rain or shine, Harry will be barefooted. This is all he wears for these many years I’ve known him.
When to Say It – & When to Be Silent
As was observed in Ecclesiastes 3: There is a “time to every purpose..” And there are times when some things should be said, and times to keep silent. There are times when we are tempted to make cutting comments, when the quality kindness (and good sense itself) would suggest that we keep silent.
The Place To Begin…
“The Past isn’t here to speak for itself, and hence gets a better reputation that it deserves.” Strange is this quality of human nature, which decrees that unless we feel a future before us we do not live completely in the present… (Human nature)…always must look forward.