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“Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble, when you’re perfect in every way…” – Mac Davis. From my own personal experience, I can understand how difficult it can be for someone who has an inherent inclination to “arrogance” to allow the understanding of humility. It feels like a loss of identity, a sense of deep defeat/failure, a strong feeling of vulnerability and helplessness – in fact, when-ever you get these feelings you can be sure that you are learning a lesson in humility. The mind has a feeling that arrogance is a positive deal and hence it constantly defends this attitude, in fact this arrogance gives you a sense of power and letting it go can feel highly counter-intuitive, and very much against the survival instinct.

Realities and Possibilities

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Realities and Possibilities

“Life is often about facing reality without disregarding divine possibilities.” For all of us life is not always as you would like it to be. Life occasionally might well include problems, hard, or even hurtful circumstances. There are times when what you need is more than you have. Everyday life is not a movie, where if you “wish upon a star” all your dreams come true. Life is often about facing reality without disregarding divine possibilities.

Bewildered & Overwhelmed

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Bewildered & Overwhelmed

No matter how hard you try to know, no matter how well you prepare or plan, you can never know what’s going to arise in the future. The more you struggle to make yourself secure, the more you live in fear of the future. However, if you simply relax and let go of trying to give yourself some pseudo-security, and are willing to face life in an open way, you will see that your are always fresh in your outlook, you are always coming up with new ideas/inspirations, new solutions, required understanding and clear perceptions, because you are not clinging to your old conditioning/plans.

Quest for Truth

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Quest for Truth

The other night after dinner, Justin asked me this simple question: “Dad what is the difference between all religions, denominations, their teachings and etc.?” Last night Aliah also asked me another simple question: “Dad what do you think about all religion?” I tried to answer it as much as I could, but the reality is…there are many things that we don’t really know or cannot explain and pretending to know all the answers is a wisdom of a fool.