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Three days ago my heart prompted me to post this message; “YEARS AGO WHEN MY DOG WAS YOUNG, I trained him to do things like fetch the ball, roll over, or shake hands. He wasn’t good at all of these, but one thing he is good at is waiting for me. He faithfully waits for me to come to my office and he walks with me wherever I go. That makes him so dear to my heart. Maybe he does not do much, but he is always there for me, present and waiting. I remember the feeling of a little boy waiting for Papa to come home from work. As soon as he arrives, nothing else mattered anymore. What mattered was that he is home. Let us not become so absorbed for material things and neglect those people waiting for our love, care, and attention.”

MODESTY and RESPECT for others is often lost in transition

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MODESTY and RESPECT for others is often lost in transition

Our generation seems to only be interested in monetary success rather than in being a good human. More often than not people would measure how successful they are by their apparent achievem ents in life in a form of physical possessions. Very rarely would you hear someone say “I’m very successful because I help others” or “I’m successful because I have a family, healthy kids and am happy and in love “.