The Future
Kind of scary sounding. Full of unknowns. Full of twists and turns. How can you possibly predict it? The best way to know what is coming is to be an active participant. By creating your future, you are an active player in the events as they unfold. By knowing what you want, and what you are willing to do to get them, you can help to shape what the future holds.
Love will never steer you wrong
I often hear with some peoples relationships and have heard with my own “you should break up”. Your partner did something so bad or somethings happened and now your thinking its over.
Whatever your Circumstances
WHATEVER YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES, whatever your past, the forces that determine your future are nowhere but within your own heart and mind. It is here that the star of your destiny shines.
Peace is not found somewhere far away
Peace is found where there is caring. Peace is found when you bring joy to your mother instead of suffering.
Iron, When Heated & Pounded, Becomes a Fine Sword
Likewise, our true strength and potential cannot be forged without hardships. Do not be daunted by obstacles.
It Isn’t Fair to Expect Perfection
We live in a world of imperfection, and certainly there are no perfect people. And one of the surest ways to break up a home, to break up a marriage, to break up a friendship, a business, or any relationship in life, is to overemphasize faultfinding.
Love Is…
Love is written, talked about, in multitudinous ways. Taking center stage are God’s love and man’s love. Often depicted as being bestowed upon some, and held back from others. Requiring certain ceremonial acts, and/or having hidden conditions connected to that attainment.
Unless we take one step forward, we cannot take the next
The important thing is to take that first step. Bravely overcoming one small fear gives you the courage to take on the next.
In any country, a rose is a rose, a violet is a violet, people are people
Article by: Ed Murillo
Though they may be called by different names. Each of us is born as a precious entity of life, as a human being…
Three days ago my heart prompted me to post this message; “YEARS AGO WHEN MY DOG WAS YOUNG, I trained him to do things like fetch the ball, roll over, or shake hands. He wasn’t good at all of these, but one thing he is good at is waiting for me. He faithfully waits for me to come to my office and he walks with me wherever I go. That makes him so dear to my heart. Maybe he does not do much, but he is always there for me, present and waiting. I remember the feeling of a little boy waiting for Papa to come home from work. As soon as he arrives, nothing else mattered anymore. What mattered was that he is home. Let us not become so absorbed for material things and neglect those people waiting for our love, care, and attention.”
Growing in Maturity
I SUPPOSE this is everyone’s concern. We may not openly talk about it, but it’s understood that we all want to attain it. The problem is that the silence about this matter has led us to many other problems – confusion and outright errors, not only doctrinal errors but also clearly moral aberrations – that threaten to create a first-class world disaster.
I WONDER whether people nowadays still remember temperance. Worse, I wonder whether they know it at all, whether it is still part of man’s vocabulary today!
MODESTY and RESPECT for others is often lost in transition
Our generation seems to only be interested in monetary success rather than in being a good human. More often than not people would measure how successful they are by their apparent achievem ents in life in a form of physical possessions. Very rarely would you hear someone say “I’m very successful because I help others” or “I’m successful because I have a family, healthy kids and am happy and in love “.
A Perfect Day
A PERFECT DAY does not always happen – something can always go wrong. There will never be a perfect friendship or any relationship for that matter.
RISK. I have learned that life is a trade off, nothing is balanced. If you want something, you have to sacrifice something else. To get high in life, you have to aim high.