MODESTY and RESPECT for others is often lost in transition
Article by: Iyo Embong
Our generation seems to only be interested in monetary success rather than in being a good human. More often than not people would measure how successful they are by their apparent achievem ents in life in a form of physical possessions. Very rarely would you hear someone say “I’m very successful because I help others” or “I’m successful because I have a family, healthy kids and am happy and in love “. Instead, you would hear about that person’s job, house, car, holiday or all of the above. And people tend to judge the success of others based on the values they exhibit themselves.
It appears that most of us would benefit from a lesson in humility. This includes trying to praise those people who help you instead of taking all the praise yourself more often, thanking others, showing appreciation of your life including your health and your loved ones, listening more when others speak and no longer judging others and their choices in life, as one day you may be in the same shoes. In other words, start exhibiting some modesty and appreciation for your life and others around you. Remember that although money is the necessary evil, money does not bring happiness and it does not make you a better person.
Article by: Iyo Embong