Master and Monster
By: iyo_embong
THE STORY is told about a man who, after going out of his car after a vehicular accident, exclaimed: “Oh, no! My Porsche!” When someone pointed to his left wrist which was profusely bleeding, all he could exclaim was: “Oh, no, my Rolex!” In Matthew 6, 24-34, Jesus tells us in very clear terms that we cannot serve two masters, i.e., God and money.
We have to make a clear choice – hate one or love the other, be devoted to one or despise the other. In other words, a true follower of Jesus cannot make money his/her god.
Attachment to money makes us worry. Actually, he/she who makes money his/her god ends up with a lot of unnecessary worries and useless anxieties. How beautiful to hear Jesus’ words today telling us not to worry about what to eat, or what to wear, and not to worry about tomorrow, reminding us that we have a Father who knows and who will provide for our needs!
Attachment to God sets us free. Those who rely on God’s help and not on their resources and wealth are less uptight than those who rely on their own power and strength. Those who know how to let go and how to let God are in a better position to be trusting and obedient than those who control people and life itself. The sooner we learn to rely and trust in God, the better. May we not waste a whole lifetime pretending we are gods and believing we don’t need a God.
It is always a very edifying experience to meet people who give up worldly pursuits for love of God and His kingdom. How disgusting on the other hand are those who seek themselves and who even use God for their own personal gain. They literally and unashamedly use the name of God in vain. They are users, and in my book, users are the biggest losers. Why? Because they are the ones bound to lose their self-respect, other people’s respect and their very souls when the final day of reckoning comes.
Are you some kind of a monster master who lords it over people? Are you involved in the control game? Do you have to have a grip over everyone and everything? Then you are an insecure person with lots of fears deep inside, and you are taking the lonely road that will be strewn with regrets because of foolish pride.
Recently I met a wife who realized how she had been so controlling and demanding of her husband and children all these years. Older and wiser now, she has realized the futility of her efforts to be on top of everything and everyone, plus the hurts she caused her loved ones in her desire for order and unity. Actually, she said, all the toughness and rigidness were a front to cover up her need for love and affection deep inside. Sadly she’s a bit too late to realize that; he has left and not coming back.
I have met many well-meaning persons who sincerely want to correct what is wrong and to put forward their principles and beliefs, all in the name of goodness and righteousness. The problem with such people is that their idea of goodness is based on themselves, and their idea of righteousness is that of self-righteousness. The problem with people who mean well is, well…they can be ‘MEAN’.
By: iyo_embong