Karen’s Secret
The story is told about a young lion that asked his mother: “Where is happiness?” The mother lion responded: “On your tail.” Upon hearing this, the young lion started chasing his tail, and spent the whole day doing so. Seeing the young lion tired and exhausted, the mother lion said: “Son, you don’t chase happiness. Just keep moving forward, and your happiness will follow.”
There was a woman named Karen I have met at the old Church that I use to go. Although I knew she had faced struggles in her life she always seemed effervescent and happy. Later I found that she is a single mum and had struggled to get a grip on her single life trying to raise her kids on her own. I think she got 4 kids; I’m not too sure. But one thing I know, she got a young boy who’s suppose to be giving her problems every now and then. I later on meet that kid but he seems to be o.k. But on the other hand I can see why he would be hard to deal with at times.
I have visited Karen at her place once and I couldn’t help noticing how simply she lived. But with her heart focused to God. Karen decided she would live it with utmost enjoyment and satisfaction.
Karen was active in Church especially with the youths. I have lost count on how many people she has managed to save for the time that I’ve known her. She use to be with the Praise and Worship team as well but that sadly pulled apart due to some ‘politics’ and difference in ideas. Single-handedly, she use to hold some ‘home group/fellowship’ with a lot of young kids once a week and have managed to save a lot of kids through that.
I have enjoyed knowing Karen and would always value our friendship. Karen’s whole face always glows with a smile and she always greeted everyone with a big hug. I real hug, I must add. You can feel the great love within her when she hugs you. She’s a true woman of God.
One day I was very tempted to ask her, “How is it that she is always so happy, so much energy and she never seem to get down?” But before I can open my mouth it dawned on me and I think I know her secret.
The secret is this: She has learned there is little she can do in her life that will make her truly happy. She knows that she must depend on God to make her happy and meet her needs. When a need arises in her life, she has to trust God to supply according to His riches. She has learned most of the time she don’t need half of what she think she does. God has never let her down. He is always with her.
That’s too simple! (I thought) but upon reflecting over my own life I recalled how I thought a bigger house would make me happy-but it didn’t! I thought a bigger business would make me happy-but it hadn’t. Fancy cars? NO! Being with so called important people, politicians and bureaucrats from many different countries; mixing with very wealthy people from all over the world – being driven around on a chauffeured Rolls Royce or other fancy limousines, staying at Presidential Suites in any of those fancy hotels and eating on those exclusive restaurants – none of those did that!
So I decided to look back and to recall all the moments when I was truly happy. It was all about simple things, being with simple people doing simple things. The entire simple gift from God – that’s the secret and Karen knew it too well.
Matthew 11: 25-30, Jesus reveals to the disciples the secret to peace and happiness: childlike trust and obedience unto him. “Come to me all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” In other words, when we stop chasing our own happiness, and move towards the Lord, then and only then does true peace come.
To the proud and the mighty, Jesus’ secret to happiness is foolish. For those who want to control and to manage everything, the whole idea of letting go and letting God does not make sense at all. How true today what Jesus said about the blindness of the “wise and the learned,” and the gift given to the “little ones.”
Sometimes we make the mistake of pushing too hard the doors ahead of us, when all we needed to do is to pull. Or, trying to chase after a butterfly, when all we need to do is just to sit still, and let the butterfly come to us and settle on our shoulders.
Jesus’ invitation to all who labor and are burdened is clear: “Come to me”! If we want true, lasting peace and rest, we go to the Lord – not to the mall, not to the nightclub and not to places of worldly fame and pleasures. It is a very personal invitation. It is non-transferable. It has no expiry date, but, the sooner, the better. Yes, go to the Lord, and have peace!
The key to true peace and happiness is coming to the Lord, and learning Meekness and Humility. How many of our headaches and heartaches could have been avoided if we had humility of heart! How many regrets would not have found their way into our lives if only we did not have too much pride!
What are the obstacles that prevent us from going to the Lord? What are the blocks that hinder us from reaching out to each other? There are so many reasons we can put forth, but the bottom line is that whenever we are weary or are burdened, we must reach out to the Lord and to each other in humility. A lot of people are tired and are heavenly burdened. Our faith gives us hope.
When you come to the end of the day, do you sleep with a sigh or with a smile? Do you have fears in your heart, and do you need the TV, or a drink to knock you out? Try prayer. Simple, sincere, humble prayer, full of trust and total surrender. And please, don’t resolve issues and solve problems when you are about to sleep. All you need to say is: “Lord, take over! And take care of me and the world while I sleep”!
We can’t depend on people to make us happy all the time – only God in His wisdom can do that. “Live well, love much, and laugh often.” Trust Him like Karen did…that’s her secret!