Hang in there…
By: Iyo Embong
It is not enough to just exist. We must GROW, and PERSIST. Yes, we must remain in God and bear fruit. We must not just be “living branches.” We must be fruit-bearing branches. For those who are still alive, and who perhaps are living abundant lives, the question remains: Am I living a fruitful life? Have others benefited from my life?
Ask anyone who has been “pruned,” and he/she will tell you how difficult it is to accept it in the beginning. “Why?” “Why me?” “Why now?” These are the questions that are usually raised, and many times, there are no answers. Right away, anyway. And so, one can put up a fight and say “Unfair!” or one can stay still and say, “OK, Lord, I trust you. Prune me!” The sooner we say the latter, the sooner the healing and the moving on.
“Why me? I am a good person? Why do I receive these trials and sufferings?” Perhaps the answer to this age-old question can be answered by Jesus’ words: “He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and everyone that does He prunes so that it bears more fruit.”
“Remain in me, as I remain in you.” This is the secret of perseverance and endurance: To remain in God, no matter what. Whatever “mysteries” we go through in life, if we hold on to the Lord, we will continue to live, grow and, YES, bear fruit!
It is easy to hold on to the Lord in joyful, glorious, and light moments, but all the more we should hold on to Him on our sorrowful moments. In fact, there’s only the Lord to really hold on to at such moments. Instead of letting go of God, we must hold on to Him and not succumb to misery, despair and hopelessness. Indeed as long as we hold on to the Lord and don’t forget Him in whatever mysteries we go through in life, we will be all right.
The journey to God’s heart begins with humility. Yes, the journey to God’s heart begins when in all humility one says: “I need you. I cannot do it alone. Lord please help me.” A lot of our problems would be lighter if we were more trusting and more submissive to God’s will. “Remain in my love.” This is what the Lord tells us.
God’s heart is so big, and there is plenty of room for everyone, anyone!
If you look at the image of Jesus on the cross, you would notice that His head is tilted toward the left, toward His heart, signifying that He is listening to all who come to His heart. That makes His right ear turned upwards, signifying that He is also listening to God. Jesus shows us that true loving is listening with one’s heart. Without prayer we cannot truly love; and without love, we cannot truly pray.
Remaining in God’s love means persevering ‘till the very end. For those who may feel tired, broken or disillusioned about living and loving on, please don’t let go of these three basic reasons for holding on, namely: to give God the Glory; to obtain for others God’s grace and bounty; to ask God’s forgiveness and mercy. In the end, what matters most is that we did abide in His love. Let us all pray that in God’s mercy, He will give us final perseverance.
We go through many levels of loving, but the bottom line of love is sacrifice, i.e., dying to oneself, and in some cases, literally dying for others. It is not enough to live successful lives, but significant lives. Life is not so much about riches and comfort, but about meaning and bearing fruits!
By: Iyo Embong