Feeling Discontent…
By: Iyo_Embong
“Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see life with a clearer view again.” – Alex Tan
We all have those times in our lives when we cannot seem to find a way to feel better about things. We may be feeling down because we can’t have what we want in a job, relationship, or some other area of our life. And no matter what we do it seems we just feel sad and discontent.
It happens to everyone. We may not think so because some people don’t allow others to know their feelings. They keep things bottled up so as to avoid appearing human. But those of us who try to be in touch with our feelings and emotions know that we will go through these times.
Sometimes we can pinpoint the reason we feel sad and empty and at other times we don’t really have one particular thing. If we can’t have something we want and we keep trying to get it, the solution to that is to just let go. We can turn whatever it is over to our Higher Power and see what happens.
Sometimes we are hurt by other people. We cannot force someone to love us. We can’t make people spend time with us or be who we want them to be in our lives. Sometimes when people don’t meet our needs we feel rejected. But usually it’s not so much that they are rejecting us as much as it is they are trying to take care of their own needs. If this is one of our issues we must learn to differentiate what are our issues and what are theirs. And we need to have multiple sources for getting what we need, including giving to ourselves.
Life is going to have all kinds of struggles. We just have to get through the times in our lives when we’re down and keep trudging forward until we walk out of the haze and into the brightness of a new day.
Persevering through the rough times gives us wisdom. EXPLORE. DREAM. DISCOVER.
By: Iyo_Embong 2012©Copyright. Any distribution, reproduction or copying of any part of this article is forbidden. If you wish to use this article please only use the first 2-3 lines as an excerpt and link back directly to the article along with the Authors name.