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Relationships & Family


On Belonging to a Family

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On Belonging to a Family

One of the very wonderful things of life is a sense of belonging. And one of the most wonderful things to belong to is a loyal and affectionate family – a family who have each their own individual activities and interests but who feel a real oneness with one another. There is much that a family can do with oneness, and much that without it is missed. There are so many things to join, so many things to do, so many things to take us away, but a loving and loyal family is still one of the most wonderful things in the world to belong to.

Allow them to walk their own path…

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Allow them to walk their own path…

I’m sure there are people in your life whom you see acting in ways that upsets you. Watching our loved ones, family or a good friend traverse a path littered with stumbling blocks can be immensely painful. We instinctively want to guide them toward a safer track and share with them the knowledge and wisdom we have acquired through experience. Yet all human beings have the right to carve their own paths without being unduly influenced by outside interference.

How Do You Communicate Love?

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How Do You Communicate Love?

Last Tuesday I was privileged of being able to attend the bible study at sister Gina and brother Albert’s place. I truly enjoyed it and have learnt a lot from it by just listening to other people’s view on whatever subjects we are discussing. One topic that we were sharing is the area of LOVE. Allow me to take my view that day further in the hope that we can come into a much deeper understanding of what I was trying to explain.

“Marriage” and “Character”

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“Marriage” and “Character”

What we have in our hearts to say could be said at any time, at many times; for it pertains to the goodness and purpose of life and to the peace and happiness for all who marry – and of children – and to the whole future of families. First of all, marriage must be coupled with character. It requires character to live in this closest of all relationship of life. Marriage requires also kindly consideration, the overlooking of many small things, and an earnest disposition not to find fault. Anyone could annoy or upset anyone at times, and anyone who looks for faults and flaws … will surely find them.

With A Child’s Heart

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With A Child’s Heart

“I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Mark 10:15) It feel very good to act like a child when grown up to a matured self, it take away all worries to make your present happy and worth living. In saying that, I certainly do not mean that one should shun away the pursuit of living for knowledge, but, at the same time, one should understand its limited capacity, and one should seriously try to acquire that knowledge which alone can save a person from the slavery of imperfections.

Loafer or Lover?

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Loafer or Lover?

THE STORY is told about a tourist who asked a fisherman who was strolling at the beach: “What are you doing?” “I’m just here, taking it easy,” The fisherman replied. The tourist said: “Why don’t you go out to the sea, earn money, buy more boats?” “What for?” the fisherman asked. “So that you can become rich and take it easy,” the tourist said. The fisherman responded: “Well, that’s what I’m doing now isn’t it? Taking it easy.” In Matthew 4, 12-17, Jesus called the fishermen whom he asked to become “fishers of men.” At any point of our lives, we are all called to leave behind our “boats” to follow Him. If the Lord asked you to leave behind your“comfort zone,” would you be ready to follow Him?