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Personal Growth


Connected, dis-con, no range, no load or low batt?

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Connected, dis-con, no range, no load or low batt?

During the past two decades, modern technology has evolved into more than most ever imagined it could. Technology has become so important in our daily lives that most people would find it difficult to go through the day without using some form or another. Majority of people are always looking for the newest piece of technology that will help make their lives easier. Computers and cell phones have made such an impact in our daily lives that most would find themselves lost without them.

Right & Wrong

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Right & Wrong

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so” – Shakespeare in Hamlet. What makes something right as opposed to something wrong? What makes one action the right or good thing to do while another action is the wrong or bad thing to do? Is there an over-all standard set of ethical guide lines that all human beings naturally carry? Or does it depend on the culture, society, and family that you are born into. Where do people’s ethics and morals come from? Why is it that so many people can and do, act outside of those ethics on such a common basis?


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Through our lives we are conditioned into an EGOIST state of mind where we view ourselves as somehow separate from the rest of the world but at the same time the CENTER of it. It is an illusionary state in which we identify with a set of concepts, feelings, opinions, and judgments about past experiences. Then wrap it all into a big ball convince ourselves that our big ball of “nothingness” is a rock solid substantial thing, it is our own little shadow “reality” in which we root our identity, and we name it “ME”.

Sometimes it’s time… time for a change!

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Sometimes it’s time… time for a change!

Each of us has a set of values, which provides a structural foundation for our life. With fundamental principles such as “integrity,” “honor,” “providence” and “kindness,” many details of day-to-day living come into proper perspective. I reflect and recall the times when I made decisions that altered my life. Deciding on family issues, a job, and business, or journey. Some of these decisions have led to ‘happiness,’ some to ‘sadness.’ Others, thought major at the time, appear insignificant in later life. Numerous I thought difficult; several I barely recognised, yet turned out to be central.