Personal Growth
CategoryDisappearance of Deep Connections, Why Genuine Relationships Matter More Than Ever
In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, meaningful connections are fading at an alarming rate. As society becomes increasingly dependent on social media, instant messaging, and digital validation, relationships have transformed into fleeting interactions rather than deep, lasting bonds. The ease of communication has paradoxically led to greater disconnection, reducing human relationships to temporary, replaceable encounters.
The Art of Letting Go: Embracing Personal Growth and Freedom
In the journey of personal growth, one often encounters a profound yet challenging lesson: the art of letting go. Letting go is a transfor..
Quantity vs. Quality of Life: Finding the True Measure of Happiness
In our fast-paced and achievement-driven society, we often find ourselves caught in the pursuit of quantity—the relentless quest for more…
When one door of happiness closes, another opens
When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us.
Treasures of the Heart
This Pandemic has changed many people. One day you realise that there are some people you will no longer see again. At least not in the same way. Meanwhile, we make sure that this situation changes us for the better (not bitter) and that lessons from the crisis are not wasted.
…Until it was tested…
There is always an interesting observation when we acquired some equipment or other goods, which looked good until we tried to use them fo..
“I’m busy. Don’t bother me now.”
By Iyo Embong
We often are aware of impatience with other people’s question, with other people’s problems – with an obvious “I’m busy, ..
The Future
Kind of scary sounding. Full of unknowns. Full of twists and turns. How can you possibly predict it? The best way to know what is coming is to be an active participant. By creating your future, you are an active player in the events as they unfold. By knowing what you want, and what you are willing to do to get them, you can help to shape what the future holds.
In any country, a rose is a rose, a violet is a violet, people are people
Article by: Ed Murillo
Though they may be called by different names. Each of us is born as a precious entity of life, as a human being…
Three days ago my heart prompted me to post this message; “YEARS AGO WHEN MY DOG WAS YOUNG, I trained him to do things like fetch the ball, roll over, or shake hands. He wasn’t good at all of these, but one thing he is good at is waiting for me. He faithfully waits for me to come to my office and he walks with me wherever I go. That makes him so dear to my heart. Maybe he does not do much, but he is always there for me, present and waiting. I remember the feeling of a little boy waiting for Papa to come home from work. As soon as he arrives, nothing else mattered anymore. What mattered was that he is home. Let us not become so absorbed for material things and neglect those people waiting for our love, care, and attention.”
Growing in Maturity
I SUPPOSE this is everyone’s concern. We may not openly talk about it, but it’s understood that we all want to attain it. The problem is that the silence about this matter has led us to many other problems – confusion and outright errors, not only doctrinal errors but also clearly moral aberrations – that threaten to create a first-class world disaster.
I WONDER whether people nowadays still remember temperance. Worse, I wonder whether they know it at all, whether it is still part of man’s vocabulary today!
MODESTY and RESPECT for others is often lost in transition
Our generation seems to only be interested in monetary success rather than in being a good human. More often than not people would measure how successful they are by their apparent achievem ents in life in a form of physical possessions. Very rarely would you hear someone say “I’m very successful because I help others” or “I’m successful because I have a family, healthy kids and am happy and in love “.
A Perfect Day
A PERFECT DAY does not always happen – something can always go wrong. There will never be a perfect friendship or any relationship for that matter.
“Oh Lord it’s hard to be humble, when you’re perfect in every way…” – Mac Davis. From my own personal experience, I can understand how difficult it can be for someone who has an inherent inclination to “arrogance” to allow the understanding of humility. It feels like a loss of identity, a sense of deep defeat/failure, a strong feeling of vulnerability and helplessness – in fact, when-ever you get these feelings you can be sure that you are learning a lesson in humility. The mind has a feeling that arrogance is a positive deal and hence it constantly defends this attitude, in fact this arrogance gives you a sense of power and letting it go can feel highly counter-intuitive, and very much against the survival instinct.