Bewildered & Overwhelmed
Article By: Iyo_Embong
No matter how hard you try to know, no matter how well you prepare or plan, you can never know what’s going to arise in the future. The more you struggle to make yourself secure, the more you live in fear of the future. However, if you simply relax and let go of trying to give yourself some pseudo-security, and are willing to face life in an open way, you will see that your are always fresh in your outlook, you are always coming up with new ideas/inspirations, new solutions, required understanding and clear perceptions, because you are not clinging to your old conditioning/plans. Stop trying to live life through your past understanding/experience of it, allow life to surprise you by making yourself fully open to allowing what arises. You don’t need to cling for security, it’s of no use, in fact, you come to a true security when you embrace total insecurity, and allow life to happen.
When you are clinging for security, you live a paranoid life, you become highly needy and there is always be a feeling of lack in you. The only reason you cling for security is because you are not stable enough to allow the fears in your mind and are always looking for “quick relief” to shut it up. Rather, if you would stop being so afraid of the fears of the mind, and allow it to be (allowing its temporary noise and discomfort), you can stay open to life’s intelligence and thus unveil far deeper possibilities, and opportunities, that can bring a dynamism and beauty to your life.
A person who is no longer fearful of security is truly secure – of course, our flesh will always want some structure and security, because that’s the nature of it, however, in your spiritual being, you can stop giving credence to these fear-based thoughts in the mind, you don’t have to believe them, just allow them to be. Keep yourself free to observe how your life moves and soon you will realize that life has a harmony to it, it’s not chaotic, it’s not going crazy, and it’s not disorganized. If you go to a wild forest you will see how everything is organized (the trees, the shrubs, the vines, the streams, they are all arranged in a spell-binding beauty) even though there was no-one to organize it, there is a deep harmony in the way nature (or life’s intelligence) organizes things. Why can’t we be more trusting of this life’s intelligence and give less credence to the fears of our mind?
There is a huge difference, in the life experiences, between a person who is doing everything for seeking some temporary relief and person who is allowing life to put things in the right place, allowing for the right timing. It’s a choice of living, it’s a way of life, and only you can decide what type of living you want to choose.
When the mind produces fear, it is unpleasant, but I hope we are grown up enough to allow these sensations, instead of running for some temporary relief – your reality will always move towards freshness. People who develop the capacity to allow fear are always rooted in wisdom, they are never reactive, and they always stay receptive to the inspiration/inner-guidance of their life-stream because they are not held hostage by the noise of their mind’s fears.
Anyone who sees through his/her mind easily understands that the mind is not a problem, it’s just a machine designed for physicality. One of the reasons why the mind fears is because it does not know what lies ahead, because your future is always a mystery, you can’t ever know your future with any certainty. Why is the future uncertain? Because life is always the NOW, even life does not know how the future will unfold, it can only move from the choices of the now.
If your mind could be given a “pre-script” of everything that’s going to happen, it would be far less fearful, and would actually make peace with what is to come – but that would also lead to a very boring life because you always know what’s going to happen, there is no suspense, plus there is no possibility for choice or growth, and it also dulls your present moment completely when you know what’s going to happen in the future. So it’s a good thing that the future is uncertain, it’s a blessing because it allows for an expectation and suspense. What is required is that you become friends with this feeling of uncertainty in the mind, understand that the mind will always have fears of the future in someway – when your mind is mature it has far less fears than an immature mind, but all minds have fears, after all it’s a survival machine.
People who run away from allowing themselves to experience the fears fully, as they arise, are always living in a place of immaturity, confusion and a neediness in life. The common question people ask is “how do I get rid of this fear”, and the answer is always – “allow it fully”, quit trying to escape it. When you allow it fully, it transforms you, it burns your resistances, it burns your egos and it deepens you. When you keep resisting it, you stay a prisoner to your fears and lead a handicapped life, never allowing for a deeper maturity and growth spiritually.
It has been said that change is the only constant in life; everything else is up in the air. Uncertainty is a natural part of life and something that almost everybody feels on a daily basis. Being uncertain or unsure does not mean that you are lost; it simply means that you are living. The state of suffering is simply a state of resistance to what arises; the end of suffering is when you are fully open to what arises, without any FEAR which is the opposite of FAITH.
Article By: Iyo_Embong