Are You Ready?
Article By: Iyo_Embong
How many emails have you missed because it either got lost in all the other email you get, or, even worse, was never delivered because it was considered to be spam by your spam filter, or maybe your email server was down for a while and the sender gave up? “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from social networking and emails.”
Many of us force through life trying to be and do things we are not yet called or appointed to do. We try to operate in dimensions for which we have not been divinely released to operate in. So hungry we are to “get there” that we become anxious, impatient and ungrateful as we take where we are currently for granted. We complain and fight bitterly against where we are as we focus on where we want to be.
It takes a few years of living to fully realize the profoundness and accuracy of the statement “live one day at a time and enjoy the moments.” Yes, because all the time you are busy fighting to “get there” you are missing very important and significant “life moments.” Being so focused and driven to “get there.”
We confuse ambition and drive and thus become so hungry to “get there” that everything and everyone else gets pushed to the sidelines of our lives. We hurt, we injure, we disregard, we step over, we push aside, and we tear down and quarrel with others to “get there.” Not realizing that “there” is a place of “appointment.” It’s a place divinely appointed to the believer by God. He says in Jeremiah 29:11 ”For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future.” It therefore means that your life is already thought out and planned by God. Hence all the steps and turns you take are destined to lead you to your appointed place in God!
So don’t despise the journey, don’t hate the process, don’t disregard and belittle the baby steps along the way to your “appointed place” because all these precursors are necessary tools, stages and steps to your intended destiny. Wouldn’t it be foolish of God to appoint you and you’re not ready or equipped to function in his appointed place? You might think you are ready, but God knows that you are no where ready to claim your “appointed place.”
So he makes you wait and while you wait he prepares you, he equips you, he grooms you, he readies you, he refines you, he polishes you, he prunes you, he corrects you, he retrains you and he teaches you about himself. He isolates you, he enlarges you, and he strips you of dysfunctional people and relationships. He edifies you; he trains your hands and mind for battle. He loves you, he waits with you!
We are just instruments, unworthy ones at that. Let us learn to work as a team. We don’t need superstars. Let us learn to be patient. There are no shortcuts. Let us not be dismayed with our simple and humble beginnings, or give in to hopelessness when we encounter delays or setbacks of any kind. Let us also not sacrifice quality in the name of efficiency.
Until you are fully ready and then when you least expect then God just appoints you! Yes, he does, after everything you have been through when you are ready God will divinely appoint you!
Article By: Iyo_Embong