Aliah’s Desire… “Revival and Unity”
We are living in days of great opportunity. Many of us have prayed and prayed that God would break out with a move of His Holy Spirit that would not only revolutionise the church but would be a catalyst for a spiritual awakening in our city at large.
The truth is God moves more powerfully where there is meaningful unity. In Argentina and other parts of the world, where the unity among churches was strongest, that’s where revival broke out more powerfully. They found a clear correlation between the depth of unity and the breadth of revival. The truth is, we can accomplish synergistically more together than we can on our own. We do have responsibilities to build the church under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but we are also to bring in the Kingdom. Not ‘Our Own’ Kingdom I mean. I believe that these are the days when we ‘together’ can push through the invisible ceiling that has over the decades stopped us going to a new level in God.
Relationships need to be developing amongst leaders and all members of the church and together to be influential for the sake of those that don’t yet know Christ. As we too increase in our love and unity with each other, signs and wonders will be common just like in the days of the early church. And then we can be assured that we will see a great end-time revival like never before. Glory be to God!
The Church is the Body of Christ. Christ is the Head of the Body. There is only one Body of Christ although it has many parts. Everybody who believes and has been baptized by the Holy Spirit is part of the Body of Christ.
- Not everybody is called to be the Hand
- Not everybody is called to be the Tongue
- Not everybody is called to be the Feet
- Not everybody is called to be the eyes or the ears
If we were all called to be the eye, where would the sense of hearing be? The hand cannot say to the foot “I do not need you” and the eye cannot say to the tongue “I do not need you” If the hand cannot do what the tongue does, it does not cease to be part of the body.
If we were all hands, where would the rest of the Body be? God has arranged the body just as he sees fit. Each of us is part of the Body of Christ (if we are born again). Even though we all come to God from different backgrounds and therefore approach God from different perspectives. If we only fellowship with people who are like minded we will not enlarge our view of God as much as if we fellowship with people from diverse backgrounds.
We must not reject somebody who loves God on the basis of their doctrine. If you reject your brother, be careful that God does not reject you! Nobody has seen the full picture. We all have strengths and weaknesses. We need each other and we have been put together for a reason.
We do not need to have a complete understanding. Even the apostle Paul did not claim to have finished the race. The Bible says ‘that if we know in part, we should prophesy in part’. We should function according to the measure that has been given to us. To whom much is revealed, much is expected.
The fact is, no group of Christians can exclusively claim to be “The Only Church”. No individual or group of Christians has a complete understanding of God and no person or group can fully manifest God by themselves. We are (should be) naturally attracted to Christians who are like minded but if the Spirit of God is living in us we should enjoy fellowshipping with anybody who loves Jesus.
As we grow in Christ, we become more certain about what we believe. When we are secure in what we believe, we are not threatened by people who express different beliefs and theologies. We need to be open to what God is saying to us, whether it is through his Word or though fellowship with others.
When we are not sure about something or simply do not know the answer, we need to seek the answer in God’s word. Other Christians may teach us, but what we believe ultimately needs to be based on God’s Word. We should always check what people are saying is in God’s Word
When people invite us to speak or ask us a question they are usually open to what we have to say. When we speak, it is to edify others who are open to what we have to say. If we are truly trying to help them, we will not be offended if they won’t listen.
- When we are mature in Christ, we need not be intimidated by people who won’t listen to us.
- When we are mature in Christ, we can embrace and listen to all who love the Lord.
- When we are mature in Christ, we can humble ourselves and value what others have to say
- When we are mature in Christ we do not deny anybody who loves Christ is part of the Church
When we listen to others speak, we are showing them love and acceptance. We may not agree with everything they say; we hold on to what is good and let go of what is bad. We do not assimilate anything that is not supported by God’s word and confirmed by the Holy Spirit. In this way, we remain open to hear from God and we do not reject or despise our brother or sister.
- When we think we know everything, we become proud
- When we think we know everything, we stop listening to others
- When we think we know everything, we become closed to what others have to say
- When we think we know everything, we become exclusive and controlling
- When we think we know everything, we become judgmental and condemning
- When we think we know everything we start to impose our will
- When we think we know everything we become intolerant and unloving
- When we think we know everything we start to restrict the freedom of others to speak
Jesus prayed in John 17 for this kind of unity, knowing the Father is capable to give it to us. Hence we must pray and cooperate with Him, as this does not happen automatically. As it is written, “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind towards each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom 15:5-6). We are also instructed to be united. (1Cor1:10, Phil 4:2)Hence unity has two sides to it – God and we. The bible also says, “We should make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace” (Eph 4:3). To increase this unity we must be selfless, and also be united with each other along with their respective ministries going forward with a common vision.
It is UNITY in the body of Christ that is required for the great and final outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and for a mighty revival. In Acts 2:1, the disciples were gathered in one accord in the same place. The bible says, they continued with one accord in prayer and supplication (Acts 1:14). Hence it becomes evident, that whenever there is unity, there is revival. God has sent His revivals time and again, but some of them died down or could not have a lasting impact – or a world impact – because of the lack of unity in the body of Christ. One thing that we cannot afford to neglect in these last days is unity.
The Bible says “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom and liberty”. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there will be Revival and Unity!