Astonished and Amazed…
By: Iyo_Embong
Was walking around Brisbane with a friend one day and saw this shop called “Broken Hearted Cafe”. Astonished and amazed and thinking about James Taylor’s old song. I jokingly made a comment saying; maybe I should open one next door called ‘I Fix Broken Hearts Cafe’ specializing in comforting, repairing and restoring of people’s hearts that has been broken.
Picture this; you are sitting with your cell phone staring at a text message you wrote hours ago. You debate whether to send it or not. You stare at your phone while your mind tells you to have more respect for yourself. You logically understand that sending the message is not going to make the situation any better – nor will it heal your pain. Then your heart enters the scene and overpowers your mind. Your heart says, “Go ahead, send it, you will feel better…temporarily at least.”
How long will it be before you can get through your daily routine without feeling the wave of pain sweep over you, without sensing that knot in the pit of your stomach, and without dwelling on what went wrong?
A broken heart can cause such an intense reaction that you may feel your life has been completely stripped of meaning. Jobs, hobbies, and friends may no longer hold any joy. In fact, some of us even experience physical pain with a tight chest, nervous stomach, or terrible insomnia. “Time heals all wounds” is something we have all heard over the years, but does time really heal those wounds? Personally I don’t think so. I am sure many great and meaningful people have died in the past with a broken heart.
Remember the jukebox which played music whenever a coin was put into it? Some people are like that. It is money and fame that moves them. Actually, perhaps in real life, some people are not like a jukebox, they’re a joke box. Their whole life is a joke. They think they can get away with everything just by fooling everyone, including themselves!
Are you a “show business” or a “do-business” person? Are you one who does anything just to please everyone? Or are you one who does whatever it takes just to get moving with your personal and social agenda?
It does not take long for us to know if a person is a person of ‘substance’. It takes one to know one I suppose, and this applies too in knowing if a person is just a person of form. Sooner or later their true colour will appear.
Somebody once said that there is no acceptable substitute for honesty, and there is no valid excuse for dishonesty. There is a price to pay for our honesty and dishonesty. The price for the former is peace, while the price for the latter is stress.
I am astonished and amazed at some people who expect the other person to be continually faithful to them while they kept on switching their loyalties and commitments. Perhaps “opportunists” would better describe them. What is amazing is that these types of people don’t seem to care at all! Many of us can be so in love with power, control and can be so disillusioned by it. Power, fame and money are first cousins, and the evil one knows just how to use them for our downfall and unmaking.
In our life we come across various reactions, from acceptance to doubt, and even rejection. But we need to be someone who has substance, who have depth and who have principles. May we all go toward the road of honesty. It could be a lonely road, but it is a road that leads to life.
“In high school, I used to think it was like so cool if a guy had an awesome car. Now none of that matters. These days I look for CHARACTER and HONESTY and TRUST.” ― Taylor Swift
By: Iyo_Embong 2012©Copyright. Any distribution, reproduction or copying of any part of this article is forbidden. If you wish to use this article please only use the first 2-3 lines as an excerpt and link back directly to the article along with the Authors name.